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Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:51 pm
by gunnut
1. Stock 450 Bushmaster Izzy..... Might just post this one before the "Gathering"
2. P.O.F 6 port.........from Degoose......Looks very good!..Will have to be modified
3. Gentry "Quiet Brake".........BD1........looks like a recoil only brake. Tight fit.

Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:52 pm
by wildcatter
gunnut wrote:1. Stock 450 Bushmaster Izzy..... Might just post this one before the "Gathering"

Go ahead on, tell'em what you found out and what we are thinking might also be happening. You'll soon have all the real time data and can either confirm or deny our thoughts, but either way it'll get these gentlemen thinking and making suggestions for the Hunt..t

Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:50 pm
by gunnut
Well, As far as recoil goes the Izzy does little or nothing. What remains to be seen are the results with muzzel climb. We suspect this is where the Izzy will perform best and was designed for. Had to order another accelerometer for the vertical axis. We will be testing both horizonal and vertical with each shot. Should be able to run set up test using the Izzy, friday. 04.02.10. I will post the resulting graphs here. Hopefully we can get a chony working 05.04.10 in order to look at the velocity as it relates to recoil. Sound levels are up in the air right now. "No pun intended" Too many inputs drag the sample rate down. May need separate sampling for the DBs.

Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 6:17 pm
by gunnut
OK Guy's let's get some brakes in here! May 15th is the cut off!

Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:44 am
by wildcatter
gunnut wrote:OK Guy's let's get some brakes in here! May 15th is the cut off!

Who was that, that was going to send over that tank looking, JP Brake, and do you still plan to send it?

We need brakes Gentlemen!!


Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:29 am
by Hoot
did you get rem40xb to commit one of his for testing? If not, I should have the newness of just getting my upper out of my system by mid-May and could loan the one I bought from him for a week or however long your testing will take. Truth be told. As an Engineering Tech, I'd love to join you all. I have vacation up the wazoo but not the capital for the trip and accommodations. Uncle Sam and the "Land of 10,000 Taxes" are taking their toll on that today. Let me know.

Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:20 pm
by wildcatter
Don't worry about the shack, you can bunk with me and prolly a dozen other guys, sides, Bushmiester is getting us a company deal on the rooms. Just better not be a Rooms-r-Us, cause they don't let me stay their anymore, seems they don't like my style of camping, HEY, it was just a small fire in the middle of the room, we gotta have our Smores, right?


Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:14 am
by bmosely
Guys, I am still here, just actually got some work. I have the JP Full Comp, and the JP Bennie Cooley. I am not sure if I can make the outing, but I will get with Gunnut and test them prior to the meeting.

Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:40 am
by wildcatter
bmosely wrote:Guys, I am still here, just actually got some work. I have the JP Full Comp, and the JP Bennie Cooley. I am not sure if I can make the outing, but I will get with Gunnut and test them prior to the meeting.

Good go 'ol man, are you going to need them opened up to our thread tpi?


Re: Muzzel Brakes to be tested.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:35 pm
by degoose
I dropped a POF 6 port brake in the mail today on it's way to Gunnut it's a 7.62 thread & you have my full blessing to do as you see fit to it for the test. Black Weapon Armory one is being constructed as we speak 2-3 weeks is what i was told for it t be ready & this one will be a plug & play model