358 Bushmaster?

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358 Bushmaster?

Postby Lar45 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:38 am

Hi everybody.
I'm sitting in a deer stand watching the turkeys eat all the corn, and having thoughts about a new Hog eradicator round.
How about a 358 Bushmaster?
I'm thinking about loading 180-200gn bullets. Just bought several boxes of 200 FTX bullets.
I found a barrel maker that said they would chamber it if I can provide a dummy case to set headspace on.
My thoughts are to use standard readers and loading dies to simplify things and keep the costs way down.
So take a 350 Rem Mag reamer, run it in part way to cut a short chamber.
Use 350 Rem Mag dies and cut them off for case forming and loading...
Measure water capacity, then plug everything into Quickload for load starting points...
Are there any Bushmaster super strength bolts out there? I tried googling, but couldn't find anything except for talk of custom bolts and extension$...
Okay so tell me I'm on the wrong track here, or has this already been done? Tried googling and only got 350Legend results...
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Re: 358 Bushmaster?

Postby coyote wacker » Fri Dec 01, 2023 2:52 pm

Found where a guy is talking about what you are....https://hunting-washington.com/smf/inde ... c=110656.0

Could be built on any bolt action that could handle the 308 size case head......
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Re: 358 Bushmaster?

Postby Al in Mi » Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:11 pm

I can't copy the link for whatever reason but Google 358 Yeti, should take you to a forum that has a ton of wildcats based off the AR platform.
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Re: 358 Bushmaster?

Postby Lar45 » Fri Dec 01, 2023 9:51 pm

Ya, the 358 Yeti is basically a shortened 358 Winchester. I couldn't find any information about the shoulder angle or placement, so I don't know if you could load with cut down 358 win dies, or if you'd have to pony up for custom dies.
The Yeti was supposed to use special bolts and barrel extensions so you could load up to 60kpsi.
With a Bushmaster bolt, you'll be limited to around 46k max on a 308 based case.

I've thought about a 358win short X 1.7"ish. Brass would be more available and cheaper than Bushmaster brass.
I'd probably end up with more case capacity with the 450 based case.
I'll have to make up some dummy rounds, measure H2O capacity and plug it all into quickload to get theoretical velocities.
I'm pretty sure you'd end up with more velocity from the 358Bushmaster even at slightly lower pressures.
So do you go with cheaper more available brass, or go for another 50fps with the Bushmaster case?
I'll have to see how case forming goes also...
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Re: 358 Bushmaster?

Postby Al in Mi » Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:45 am

Yea those 800 series bolts and extensions like hens teeth.

Sift thru that MDWS forum and look up Bigdawg. He's exploited the AR platforms every which way.
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Re: 358 Bushmaster?

Postby coyote wacker » Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:33 am

284 Winchester case is what's used to make the 450 BM, 45 Raptor.....simple just neck the 284 Win. up to 358....now the hard part is finding 284 Win brass.....
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Re: 358 Bushmaster?

Postby Lar45 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 6:31 pm

I have a new bag of 284 win brass ;)
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Re: 358 Bushmaster?

Postby Hoot » Sat Dec 02, 2023 9:42 pm

You can not make 450b loads from cut down .284 Win without either reaming or turning the necks. The walls of the cut down .284 are way thicker than 450b brass are near the front. I can't speak to the 45 Raptor or 358 but I suppose the same applies.

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Re: 358 Bushmaster?

Postby Texas Sheepdawg » Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:52 pm

Hoot wrote:You can not make 450b loads from cut down .284 Win without either reaming or turning the necks. The walls of the cut down .284 are way thicker than 450b brass are near the front. I can't speak to the 45 Raptor or 358 but I suppose the same applies.


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